
Enjenyè sèvis lòt bò dlo. Asire bon jan kalite a nan machin nan ak bon apre-lavant sèvis yo.



Manifakti nan ranje ki pi konplè nan ti ak mwayen gwosè foraj Rotary nan peyi Lachin.



Pase ISO9001 Sètifikasyon Sistèm Jesyon Kalite, jwenn sètifikasyon CE.


Tysim anpile ekipman ko., Ltd.

Tysim se yon antrepriz pwofesyonèl anpile ki konsantre sou R&D a ak manifakti nan ti ak gwosè mwayen ranmase pil. Tysim is a board member of the National Foundation Construction Machinery Standard Committee, a committee member of the sub-committee of the China Construction Machinery Association. Tysim has been certified as a high-tech enterprise since 2015, and passed both the ISO9001 quality system certification and the privately owned science and technology enterprise certification. During the 3rd batch of such certification, it was qualified as one of the National Specialized Innovative “Little Giant” Enterprises in 2021.

Aprann plis

Nou seAtravè lemond

Tysim forage forage se pa sèlman apwopriye pou divès kalite pwojè konstriksyon sivil ak ibanizasyon. Yo menm tou yo apwopriye pou tren, vyadik ak redevlopman nan pwojè nan byen imobilye fin vye granmoun. Prezante segondè efikasite ak pèfòmans serye, seri a KR nan ti forage perçage te vin rekonesans ekselan tou de Lachin ak aletranje.Tysim pwodwi yo te ekspòte nan lo nan Ostrali, Singapore, Larisi, Thailand, Ajantin, Vyetnam, Endonezi, Filipin, Katar, Zanbi ak plis pase 40 peyi yo. Nan tandem ak avansman nan endistri a konstriksyon Chinwa nan pwochen pi wo nivo a, Tysim forage perçage yo ap vin machin nan pi bon pou enfrastrikti a ibanizasyon ak konstriksyon redevelopmrnt.

Ane eksperyans nan

Peyi nou te ekspòte nan

Peyi rive

KiNou fè

Manifaktirè nan ekipman konstriksyon wout ak
The TYSIM's team has integrated more than 10 years of solid R&D experience in rotary drilling rig with the latest technology and research results of two leading universities in China – Tianjin University and Tongji University - to develop its own core proprietary technology in Compact structure design; Konsepsyon estabilite; Konsepsyon sistèm idwolik; ak sistèm kontwòl elektwonik. Li te anrejistre plis pase 40 desen rive. Fouye yo perçage Rotary ki te pwodwi pa Tysim gen fasil yo opere karakteristik, pi wo fyab ak pi wo efikasite. Tysim te pase ISO9001 Sètifikasyon Sistèm Jesyon Kalite ak gwo teknoloji sètifikasyon antrepriz. Te seri a tout antye de pwodwi pase sètifikasyon CE.
Pwodwi yo gen ladan idwolik pilling mare, modilè pilling mare, idwolik brekè pil, mekanik dyafram miray pwan ak lòt pwodwi ki gen rapò. Yo adopte lojisyèl konsepsyon ki gen twa dimansyon entènasyonalman avanse ak lojisyèl analiz fòs yo pou yo montre zòn distribisyon fòs la nan estrikti pwodwi a pi entwitif ak optimize estrikti pwodwi a. Avèk bon vizyon entènasyonal ak enjenyè ekselan, Tysim kenbe konsèp nan "konsantre, kreye, valv" epi konsantre sou R&D nan anpile pwodwi konstriksyon fondasyon. With the work style of "Focus on details, Keep improving" and the advantages of leading technology and market, TYSIM will try to build the "TYSIM" to become "Domestic first class and International famous" brand of professional piling equipment in 5 years, meanwhile promoting civil foundation construction.
Avèk plis pase 40 rive, seri Tysim KR nan ti pil pilling te jwenn sètifika a CE, ki pral apwopriye pou divès kalite pwojè konstriksyon sivil ak ibanizasyon. Prezante segondè efikasite ak pèfòmans serye, KR seri de ti pil pilling te vin byen repitasyon nan tou de Lachin ak aletranje kliyan nan pwojè yo konstriksyon pou tren, vyadik ak bilding rezidansyèl yo. Ekspòtasyon nan Ostrali, Larisi, Thailand, Ajantin, Endonezi, Zanbi, Malezi, Vyetnam, Dominik ak lòt peyi yo, Tysim pilon piling yo ap vin machin nan pi bon pou konstriksyon an enfrastrikti ibanizasyon.
Tysim anpile ekipman co, Ltd se espesyalize nan R&D a, manifakti ak lavant nan anpile machin ak pati oksilyè. Tysim focuses on the R&D and manufacturing of pile machinery, and it is the sole enterprise in China which is dedicated in the development of small and medium-sized rotary drilling rig for civil engineering. Konpayi an te jwenn plis pase 40 rive pou pwodwi machin pil. TYSIM has a team composed of senior researchers and technicians in the industry, and has established internationally advanced R&D system and technology platform. Avèk endistri dirijan sistèm jesyon ak "mèg" konsèp, Tysim kenbe amelyore bon jan kalite pwodwi ak bati compétitivité debaz la. The company has established long-term cooperative relationship with scientific research institutes of famous domestic universities like Tianjin University, which provides powerful and lasting technology support for TYSIM's long-term development.
Alliance of Pilling Industry Elites of China (APIE for short) was founded in Wuxi in December 2016. The APIE was founded through gathering leading enterprises in segmentation products of pile works industry as a result of responding to encouragement and inspiration from "Fusion Shared and Unified Development" put forward by leaders such as Huang Zhiming and Guo Chuanxin etc. of Branch Association of Pile Works under China Construction Machinery Association. APIE a te ansanm inisye pa sis Enterprise nan Tysim Pilling Ekipman ko., Ltd ak lòt Pilling Fondasyon ki gen rapò konpayi.